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Rehabilitation and treatment aftercare

Manipulation & Addiction - Identifying and Avoiding Manipulation

Manipulation comes in many forms and is used by all kinds of people for many reasons. Emotional manipulation in particular is a strong point in people who have some form of addiction.

When dealing with an addict’s manipulative behaviour, it is important to bear in mind that addiction causes people to act outside of reason and logic.

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The Benefits of Exercise in our Addiction Recovery Programme

Physical activity and substance abuse do not mix well together. In fact, most of the time, they can only exist individually. There are numerous addiction recovery activities that one can undertake as part of their journey, but the benefits of exercise in recovery are particularly extensive.

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Setting goals & working towards them using the SMART goal approach

The dictionary defines a goal as “the object of a person’s ambition or efforts; an aim or desired result.” Considering this definition, it becomes apparent that goals form a vital role in our lives when it comes to our progress, drive and purpose.

Having goals gives us something substantial to focus on. It gives our lives greater purpose and meaning which is something that is strongly desired by most human beings.

To have a goal is to have a challenge and to have a challenge brings excitement and joy. It also helps us channel our energy towards something positive and advantageous.

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Rehab Centre speaks out about Peer Pressure amongst adults

It is widely believed that peer pressure amongst friends is only experienced during adolescence. However, it is very much present amongst adults.

Those who were susceptible to peer pressure during and towards the end of their teenage years are more likely to fall victim to the very subtle pressure from their peers in adulthood.

It is important to know that there is negative peer pressure as well as positive peer pressure.

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10 Valuable Lessons from a Non-Alcoholic who went Sober

Alcohol is a very big part of our lives. It is everywhere you look. Whether you are eating out at a fancy restaurant or out shopping for groceries, you are bound to be met with a variety of liquor to choose from.

The consumption of alcohol has become an integral part of our interaction with others, and believe it or not, the interaction we have with ourselves too.

After some deliberation a while back, I decided to stop drinking and not for any particular reason at all.

I did not give myself a time frame; I could pick up a beer tomorrow or I could never drink again, who knows?

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Regaining Trust in a Relationship after Drug Addiction

Regaining trust in a relationship after drug or alcohol rehabilitation treatment demands work and effort from both sides.

With hard work from both you and your partner it is possible to repair your relationship. However, it means patience on your part, and an open mind and zero resentment from your loved one.

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Diagnosing Alcoholism and Alcohol Dependence in accordance to the DSM

Alcoholism and alcohol dependence not only affect the person binge drinking but also the people around them.

It’s not easy to convince someone that they drink too much, nor is it easy to admit to yourself that you have a drinking problem.

In this article, our rehabilitation centre provides the common behaviours of someone who has a drinking problem. We hope that this information can be shared and used to help someone change their life.

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Reaction vs Response - Understanding Emotional Triggers

Do you react or do you respond? For the most of us, we react.

We react with anger, sadness or anxiety. This normally results in us losing control of our emotions and inevitably the situation we find ourselves in.

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The truth about Bluetoothing: The new Heroin and Nyaope craze

In January this year, a short video of a group of heroin users “bluetoothing” went viral. It was a shock to online viewers and left many rehabilitation centres in South Africa concerned about possible health risks.

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Inhalants - Dangers, Abuse Statistics and Addiction

In 2002 the Medical Research Council (MRC) in South Africa reported in a national study that roughly 11 percent of all South African Children in grades 8 to 11 had used inhalants at least once.

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