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5 Tips for Saying No to Alcohol When You are Trying to be Discreet

Alcohol is a big part of social interactions and often people struggle to enjoy a gathering without it. For someone who has a tendency towards alcohol abuse or addiction, these social situations can be problematic as they not only normalize excessive alcohol consumption but normalize it too.

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Effects of Alcohol on the Brain as You Age

Alcohol affects us differently as we age. Some of the changes are more immediate and recognisable, such as intense hangovers after just one or two drinks. However, there are other effects that may not be as noticeable but can be extremely damaging in the long run.

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Mood Changes After Giving Up Alcohol – What to Expect

Many of us turn to alcohol to help us cope with the pressures of daily life. It often helps ease anxiety; it makes us feel more social and sometimes boosts our overall mood. However, there is an underlying factor to consider when it comes to using alcohol to improve our mood – in the long run, alcohol negatively impacts our mood as it changes the way the brain works.

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The Undeniable Link Between Alcohol and Violence

There is an undeniable link between alcohol and violence. The pervasiveness of gender-based violence, femicide, child abuse and violent crimes has pointed back to the consumption of alcohol for many years.

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The Adverse Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Having a drink every now and again is social, fun and a nice way to unwind after long day at work. Just like all nice things, drinking alcohol must be done in moderation and with care.

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How Does Alcohol Abuse in South Africa Affect the Healthcare System?

The sad reality is that even without the additional challenges of a pandemic, the healthcare system will continue to buckle under the weight of alcohol-related deaths and incidents in South Africa.

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Alcohol is Being Sold Again, but What Are the Effects of Alcohol on Our Society?

Before South Africans celebrate the lifting of the alcohol ban, it’s important that we take into consideration the effects alcohol abuse has on our society.

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The Sudden Reinstatement of the Alcohol Ban – Lessons and Potential Consequences

On the evening of 12 July, South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa shocked the nation when he announced the reinstatement of the nationwide ban on alcohol sales.

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The Effects of the Lockdown on AA Meetings and Addiction Recovery

One of the most crucial, ongoing aspects of recovery is attending AA meetings and NA meetings. This forms part of the very important substance abuse aftercare programs.

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COVID-19 and the Effects of Alcohol on the Immune System

In light of the nationwide alcohol ban that South African president put into place at the start of the lockdown, many people have started wondering what are the effects of alcohol on the body that a total prohibition was necessary?

Although the president recently announced a potential shift into level three of lockdown in South Africa, many health experts are hoping that the sale of alcohol does not commence just yet.

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