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Substance abuse

Effects of Alcohol on the Brain as You Age

Alcohol affects us differently as we age. Some of the changes are more immediate and recognisable, such as intense hangovers after just one or two drinks. However, there are other effects that may not be as noticeable but can be extremely damaging in the long run.

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The Undeniable Link Between Alcohol and Violence

There is an undeniable link between alcohol and violence. The pervasiveness of gender-based violence, femicide, child abuse and violent crimes has pointed back to the consumption of alcohol for many years.

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The Benefits of Mindfulness in Addiction Recovery

Practicing mindfulness every day gives us the power to intentionally improve our behaviour, make better decisions and reshape our brains in ways that give us awareness of self.

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Dealing with Drug Addiction During Lockdown

Regardless of the circumstances, drug addiction recovery can be a challenging road to walk that comes with immeasurable reward.

However, the current lockdown in South Africa has placed added pressure on those with drug addiction as well as those who are in recovery.

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Addiction and Isolation are Closely Connected

Addiction and isolation are very closely related. Sometimes feelings of isolation can cause a person to turn to substance abuse, while long-term substance abuse and addiction can further exacerbate isolation.

This can easily lead a person feeling completely detached from the people around them, overall society and even themselves.

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Domestic Violence and Addiction – How are they linked?

There is an uncomfortably close link between domestic violence and addiction; substance abuse is often the cause of domestic violence, while domestic violence can just as well cause substance abuse.

Therefore, both substance abuse and domestic violence are considered the cause and effect of the other, and when investigating the one the other should always be considered.

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Addiction Recovery and Telling People You're Sober

Although addiction recovery has many rewards, the one thing many recovered addicts fear is sharing the fact that they are now sober.

The sad reality is that there is a degree of shame that is associated with being sober, because of the stigma attached to being an addict.

However, being sober is something that every recovered addict should be proud of because it means that you have overcome one of the hardest obstacles you will ever face.

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Conflict Management and Addiction Recovery

Conflict management is arguably one of the most critical dimensions of the multifaceted process of addiction treatment and recovery.

Avoiding conflict is not always possible and by knowing how to resolve it in a healthy and effective way, we open up various doors towards improvement and growth on many levels.

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Causes of Addiction – Circle of Influence & Circle of Concern

There are no real identifiable causes of addiction, but there are many factors that we are exposed to on a daily basis which may contribute towards the development of an addiction.

Whether internal or external, every person has a set of concerns that they find themselves head to head with on a daily basis.

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Addiction Recovery – Your Past Does Not Define Your Future

Your past does not define your future. Read that again and allow it to sink in.

We have moved passed the idea that your addictive past will define your entire future and we believe that the term “once an addict, always an addict” couldn’t be further from the truth.

Addiction recovery is the first step to take along the meaningful journey of rediscovery and allows us the opportunity to outgrow destructive habits as we cultivate a new way of life.

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