Substance dependency and recovery - Stepaway Blog — Page 11
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Substance dependency and recovery

Addiction Rehabilitation Treatment Programmes

Step Away is an alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre in South Africa, we address alcohol abuse and drug addiction treatment holistically.

We offer a well-structured rehabilitation programme that is all-encompassing and supports the individual patient with the best professional addiction recovery programme possible.

Our addiction recovery programmes cater to both men and women over the age of 18, with Step Away being one of the few rehabilitation centres to accept both genders.

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Choosing the best rehab to avoid addiction recovery and treatment relapse

The success rate for first time recovery is currently only 20-30 percent in conventional talk therapy addiction treatment programmes.

Many patients recover after subsequent treatments, but with such alarming statistics it’s not surprising that many people think alcohol and drug addiction treatments are ineffective.

What makes Step Away Rehabilitation and Treatment Centre different?

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Finding purpose and taking control of your life in the New Year

“Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Your problems today are still your problems tomorrow”
― Larry Michael Dredla

The early months of a New Year is the perfect time to talk about the importance of finding purpose in your life.

Purpose as a principal concept offers order and structure and helps us take control and understand our behaviour.

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Are you vulnerable to substance abuse and addiction?

The latest research in the neurobiology of addiction points to genetics as a major component of the addiction process.

One example is the deficiency in the gene that is responsible for the D2 subtype of the Dopamine Receptor. 

The deficiency acts to make the individual less receptive to the natural ‘feel-good’ effects of Dopamine.

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Say NO to Slavery

Every person experiences and travels a different road to addiction; peer pressure and bullying, negative upbringings, or even older siblings.

There are ample reasons out there explaining why we are steadily losing the battle against drugs.

Religion, culture and or strong family or personal morals deter many individuals at first from experimenting with substances.

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Escapism - addiction is a learned response

There are a number of reasons as to why individuals experiment with illegal substances.

With drug and alcohol abuse becoming more prevalent in South Africa, it is important for us to start identifying and addressing the key issues and causes of alcohol and drug addiction.

Generally speaking individuals typically take drugs either to experiment with feeling high or altered consciousness or as a form of escapism.

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From Hero to Zero – Heroin is guaranteed to bring you down

Alcohol and drug dependency is a sad and ever-growing reality in South Africa.

Accessibility to illegal substances is at an all-time high, with children being exposed to all types of addiction (direct or indirect) from a very young age. Much evidence exists that substance dependency behaviour and its effects are passed down from generation to generation.

The range of drugs available to the average person on the street is alarming; the cost of drugs isn’t much of a problem as there are plenty of drugs available that are more affordable, with longer-lasting effects and with unsurprisingly far worse negative side-effects. 

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Prejudice or appropriate behaviour?

Estrangement from society is one of the biggest factors that individuals that struggle with substance abuse face when trying to integrate back into an ordinary or somewhat normal lifestyle post their addiction and rehabilitation treatment.

After an individual accepts and candidly admits their addiction to a substance they are often faced with reactions of distrust and scepticism from their loved ones and their community, these responses are expected as there is a primarily negative stigma attached to the disease of addiction.

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If treatment centres work then why do people relapse?

It may not take too long to become an addict, but recovery takes a lifetime.

Rehab definitely isn’t for the faint-hearted and especially for the ones who incorrectly assume it will be an easy walk in the park.

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation involves an immense amount of self-discipline and dedication to break the habit.

We can help.

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What goes up, must come down - Cocaine addiction treatment


 Information on substance abuse, the different types of substance abuse drugs and the effects they have on their user is not always easily available.

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